We are dedicated to nurturing sustainability at Pub in the Park, implementing changes to the way we work in order to reduce the event’s carbon footprint and have a positive impact on the natural environment and on public health.

Our Responsibility:

Every department that is responsible for different aspects of Pub in the Park will work with this policy in mind

Our Core Values & Aims:

  • Value and respect the environment
  • Reduce our carbon & ecological footprint
  • Responding to the climate emergency and working towards net zero carbon emissions
  • Increase employee awareness and training on the environment & sustainability
  • Incorporate sustainability into all business decisions made

In 2022 we achieved:

  • Replaced multiple types of single-use restaurant serveware with low impact serveware of uncoated paper and wood
  • Investigated improved waste management and waste reduction options
  • Trialled reusable cups
  • Reduced the number of suppliers used to reduce the number of vehicles arriving to and from site, in effort to reduce carbon emission




  1. Reducing Carbon Footprint

Our aim is to make Pub in the Park a ‘carbon neutral’ event by carrying out the following actions:

We aim to reduce our primary carbon emissions by 80% through:

  • Only using HVO fuel across the tour, reducing carbon emissions by 102,000 tons.
  • Implementing fuel efficiency measures for on-site vehicles and plant.
  • Only using electric buggies across the tour.
  • Reducing the need to travel unnecessarily and be more travel wise with collecting or delivering site resources.
  • Working with traders and exhibitors in reducing emissions during the build and break of the event – promoting courier sharing and 1 car per exhibitor rule.
  • We will be encouraging car sharing and alternative modes of transports through our marketing platforms and email database.

We aim to compensate for our remaining primary emissions by:

  • Accurately calculating our direct (Scope 1 & 2) emissions from 2022


  1. Waste - Reduce / Reuse / Recycle

At Pub in the Park, we will continue with our ‘zero waste to landfill’ policy that has been in place since 2017. We are constantly working to improve our waste management system and this year will be implementing this by:

  • Ensuring waste types and volumes are accurately identified, with Waste Transfer Notes for all waste movements
  • Working with our waste management contractors to sort & separate waste for recycling, and identifying suitable facilities and collection methods
  • Ensuring organic waste collection will take place from our restaurants & catering traders and sending this to bonafide composting and/or anaerobic digestion plants
  • Working with our traders and exhibitors to eliminate single-use plastic.

In terms of our own event infrastructure & materials, as well looking at how to build the event, we will also plan for the decommissioning of the event by:

  • Increasing utilisation of durable materials which will not end up as waste after the event
  • Utilising durable hire materials for construction where appropriate
  • Reusing and repurposing items and materials from the event in an imaginative and creative way wherever possible
  • Storing and reusing items over multiple events.

Banning Single-Use Plastics

  • There is a ban on our traders and exhibitors bringing single use-plastic serveware & packaging (e.g. cups, trays, sachets, straws) to the event site
  • We are implementing the reusable cups on all bars and alcohol vendors
    • We will investigate the possibility of including coffee cups in the scheme and also to trial reusable food serveware in some of our restaurants
  • Across site, we will provide more drinking water points and encourage visitors to bring their own refillable water bottles. Pub in the Park branded refillable bottles will also be for sale at our Merchandise point.
  • In addition, we will have Trust Water providing refillable water bottles to all bars and alcohol vendors, and also PITP staff, backstage artists and crew.
  • Crew and contractors will also be encouraged to bring their own refillable water bottle.

Reducing waste from visitors.

  • We will clearly sign all of our waste stations, encouraging our visitors to recycle more efficiently
  • We will ask our visitors to help us with the amount of waste brought to site by bringing their own reusable water bottle or reusable coffee cup, making full use of the hydration points onsite and refraining from bringing single-use plastic on to site
    • This will be reinforced through our social media channels in the run up to the event.


  1. Audience, staff & supplier engagement
  • We will involve staff in the implementation of this policy, for greater commitment and improved performance
  • We will update this policy at least once annually in consultation with staff and other stakeholders where necessary
  • We will provide staff with relevant environmental training
  • We will work with suppliers, contractors and sub-contractors to improve their environmental performance not just for our event, but across the events industry
  • We will use local labour and materials where available to reduce CO2 and help the community
  • We will reduce the need to travel unnecessarily and be more travel wise with collecting or delivering site resources
  • We will work with traders, exhibitors & suppliers in reducing emissions during the build and break of the event – promoting courier sharing and 1 vehicle per exhibitor rule
  • We are creating more eye friendly, hands on waste stations, encouraging our visitors to recycle more efficiently
  • We’re asking our visitors to help us with the amount of waste brought to site by bringing their own reusable water bottle or reusable coffee cup and making full use of the hydration points onsite.


  1. Monitoring & reporting

To monitor and evaluate the improvements that can be made for the future, we will be implementing the actions below:

  • We will comply with and exceed all relevant regulatory requirements for reporting
  • We will record and measure our
    • Waste volumes (including type of waste and how/where disposed of)
    • Energy & fuel use
    • Water use
    • Wastewater and sewage volumes
    • Transport journeys
  • We will use this information to accurately define our carbon footprint and set goals for future improvements.


  1. Statement from the Directors

We aim to achieve these objectives by making changes to the way we operate, through education and training of our staff and the general public and by developing a long-term strategic plan to reduce our environmental impact.


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